Openmoko: The Echo Bug

Since a very long time there is a very annoing bug (#1267), the ‘Echo Bug’. But about a week ago there was a very interesting post on the community-mailinglist: Echo issue on OM2008.08 solved, which describes how to solve this bug.

The mail provides a patch and binary files, too. So we don’t have to compile code to get the fix.
Installing the binary files is pretty easy, just follow these steps:

1. download files

2. upload these files to you Neo

scp root@moko:/opt/Qtopia/lib/

scp gsmhandset.state root@moko:/usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/gsmhandset.state

3. restart Qtopia

/etc/init.d/xserver-nodm restart

That’s it!

Now you should be able to call someone without annoing him with his own echo.

I tested this fix on my FDOM-20080927, but it should also work on every distribution using the Qtopia phone-stack. Furthermore the fix is known by the developers and is ‘in testing’, so it should get into the official sources soon.

Attention: as zecke says in his post ( overwriting the binary library-file is a very dirty way to get this fix and it can lead to chaos in the packagemanager. A cleaner way would be to use the openmoko-testing feeds and upgrade using the package-manager.

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3 thoughts on “Openmoko: The Echo Bug”

  1. Vielen Dank! Endlich kann man mit ASU (2008.8-updated) telefonieren und wird auch noch verstanden 🙂

    Frage: Wie hast du die Library gemacht? Mit dem Toolchain oder direkt auf dem Device?

    Vielleicht kann man einfach ein Paket machen und das dann ĂĽber opkg installieren – dann wäre der Kommentar von zecke hinfällig?

    Die Libary muss nur in das Paket: qtopia-phone-x11-libqtopiaphonemodem_4.3.2 .


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