GTA04 Installation Guide for SHR
This is a step-by-step guide, which should get you from zero to a working SHR on your GTA04 in just a few minutes.
Update Nov. 2012: Updated the instructions to the new default U-Boot enviroment.
Getting the files
- shr-core image:
- shr-image-om-gta04.tar.gz (latest stable image)
- shr-image-om-gta04.tar.gz (latest staging image, for testers only)
- U-Boot Kernel Arguments
Preparing the U-Boot enviroment
The new U-Boot system (as of November 2012) provides a graphical multi-boot solution.
If your device is shipped after November 2012 you’ll probably already have this system pre-installed.
Otherwise you’ll have to get the latest hw-validation image from and put it on a specially formated microSD card (using the makesd script). Then boot this special hw-validation microSD card having the AUX button pressed, to flash the new boot system (the screen will trun red while falshing).
After switching back (or reformating) to your normal microSD card you can always access the boot menu by booting the device, having AUX pressed.
Preparing the SHR microSD card
Your microSD card can have several partitions, e.g.:
- 1st partition: ext3, “rootfs” (e.g. for SHR)
- 2nd partition: ext3, “system” (e.g. for Debian)
- 3rd partition: FAT32, “data” (e.g. for music, documents, …)
Installing SHR
To install the SHR image, you have to untar the image you downloaded to the “rootfs”-partition. Then you have to copy the bootargs.scr file to /boot (on the microSD card).
tar xzvpf shr-image.tar.gz --numeric-owner -C /media/rootfs cp bootargs.scr /media/rootfs/boot/
First boot
After you cleanly unmounted the partitions and put the microSD card back into the GTA04 you can boot your device, having the AUX button pressed (to access the boot menu). You’ll be greeted by the graphical U-Boot multiboot selection. Select the partition to boot from (e.g. SD:1 for SHR).
Next, a first start wizard will pop up, which let’s you choose between some options.
Be aware to choose a scale factor of 2.0 when asked. Other than this you could just keep the defaults.
You can now login via USB networking at:
Installing Firmware
If you want to use the WiFi/Bluetooth chip, you have to use a non-free firmware from Marvell.
To get it you have to install linux-firmware-sd8686.
opkg install linux-firmware
You successfully installed SHR on your GTA04.
For further information or if you have any issues, please consult the SHR wiki.