Openmoko: The Echo Bug

Since a very long time there is a very annoing bug (#1267), the ‘Echo Bug’. But about a week ago there was a very interesting post on the community-mailinglist: Echo issue on OM2008.08 solved, which describes how to solve this bug.

The mail provides a patch and binary files, too. So we don’t have to compile code to get the fix.
Installing the binary files is pretty easy, just follow these steps:

1. download files

2. upload these files to you Neo

scp root@moko:/opt/Qtopia/lib/

scp gsmhandset.state root@moko:/usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/gsmhandset.state

3. restart Qtopia

/etc/init.d/xserver-nodm restart

That’s it!

Now you should be able to call someone without annoing him with his own echo.

I tested this fix on my FDOM-20080927, but it should also work on every distribution using the Qtopia phone-stack. Furthermore the fix is known by the developers and is ‘in testing’, so it should get into the official sources soon.

Attention: as zecke says in his post ( overwriting the binary library-file is a very dirty way to get this fix and it can lead to chaos in the packagemanager. A cleaner way would be to use the openmoko-testing feeds and upgrade using the package-manager.

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag

Openmoko Report #1

I got my Freerunner about two months ago and I made a few experiences until today. Now I want to share these experiences.


In my last post – Openmoko: Distributionen (it’s in German) – I presented (subjectiv) the positive and negative ascpects of the different available distributions for the Neo.
I want to add FDOM to this list, a distribution which I use on my Freerunner now as my daily phone.
The FDOM-distribution is based on om2008.9, is enhanced with some fixes from the community, has a lot of applications preinstalled and has a good preconfiguration.


  • phone-basics work (with qtopia-x11)
  • PIM-basics work (with qtopia-calendar)
  • GPS mapping works (with TangoGPS)
  • mp3 playback works (with Pythm)
  • power-management works pretty well
  • phone awakes from suspend on incoming call/sms


  • battery life of 1-2 days (it’s enough for daily use, but should be more)
  • Qtopia version is 4.3, which is very slow


Nokia released a prerelease of Qtopia 4.4, which is now called QtExtended. I tried this release because there was a lot of positive feedback on the mailinglists.
But in my opinion it isn’t that good. One good point was that QtExtended 4.4 it is much more responsive than version 4.3 but the show-stopper was the broken power-management: the phone doesn’t awake from suspend on incoming call or sms and the battery-life is very short if i don’t set it to suspend.


I tried the FSO-testing-images a few days ago, too. And I saw that they made good progress with the framework. Big praise to mickeyl and his team, you made really good work! The resource-management is very nice. For example it turns on the GPS if you need it and turns it back off if you don’t use it anymore.
The FSO-phone-application “Zhone” is functional and has all the needed features, but I’m looking forward to paroli…


In my eyes Paroli is a very interesting project. It’s a phone-application (dialer, sms, contacts), written in python and elf, which uses the FSO-framework. It is going to replace the qtopia-x11 as phone stack when om2008 resp. om2009 and FSO gets merged. Unfortunately I was not able to get paroli up and running on my FSO-testing-image.

Has anyone got any status-report and/or screenshots of paroli? The only news I can get are the code commits:

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag

Mein Neo Freerunner ist da.

Ich hatte meinen Neo Freerunner am 26.08.2008 bei Trisoft und am Morgen des 28.08.2008 kam das Päckchen schon hier an. Ich bin begeistert!

Enthalten waren ganz normal:

  • Freerunner
  • 512 Micro-SD Karte + Adapter
  • Akku
  • Lade-Kabel + Länderstecker
  • USB-Kabel

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Umstieg auf Jabber

Die meisten der Leser dieses Blogs werden wahrscheinlich schon von Jabber gehört haben. Jabber ist der Überbegriff für einen OpenSource InstantMessaging-Service und die dahinter stehende Community. Der freie IM-Service bassiert auf dem standardisierten Protokoll XMPP.

Ich bin vor einigen Tagen den großen Schritt gegangen und habe dem proprietären ICQ den Rücken gekehrt und benutze nur noch Jabber.

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