The team of OpenPhoenux presented the development process of the open hardware and free software powered mobile plattform “GTA04” at FOSDEM 2011 and 2012, including working prototypes and preview-boards for developers.
Now, that the OpenPhoenux has taken off to reach a broader audience, we’ll show off all the open hardware (prototypes of new products and finished devices) at FOSDEM 2013. We hope you’re already eager to have your hands on the latest and greatest open mobile handhelds, which will be presented at our booth!
All of those are based on the GTA04 open mobile plattform, whose latest revision GTA04-A5 is ready and waiting for pre-orders to finance the next production run.
In addition, there are still a few complete GTA04 (revision A4) smartphone units on stock at the Openmoko reseller Contact him for further information.
Those are all great hardware projects for Linux/FOSS enthusiasts and freedom lovers! But the World of OpenPhoenux is not limited to hardware gadgets, but is connected to several other open mobile and communication projects, as well:
- free PowerVR SGX 3D driver, reverse engineering initiative
- Limesco, open mobile telephony provider
- SHR/FSO, QtMoko and Replicant mobile Linux distributions

So, if you’re visiting FOSDEM this year and are interested in open mobile communications it is a must to drop by the “World of OpenPhoenux”-booth (No. 3) in building AW, right next to Jolla/Sailfish, Hackable Devices/MakerBot, Enlightenment and more!
We’re looking forward to meet you there, answer your questions and demo the devices to you!