Soon this years Open Hard- and Software Workshop (OHSW) will take place in Garching (near Munich) at the TUM Campus Garching. There will be a lot of intetresting topics to discuss and people to meet. Make sure to drop by if you find some time!
The agenda and further details are now available online:
The OpenPhoenux GTA04 production is finally making nice process. All the GTA04A4 (Group Tour 1) preorders should be ready and shipped soon!
This is the lastest batch of devices, which has sucessfully passed Golden Delicious Computers’ QA process and fulfilled the high quality claims.
After a lot of production issues had to be solved in the last months, we’ve now found a method which provides us with a good production yield. After switching to vapour phase soldering [0], we got rid of most the soldering problems.
GTA04 boards in the vapour phase soldering machine (1/2)GTA04 boards in the vapour phase soldering machine (2/2)