Update 9.1.2012: results are updated.
As the year 2011 nears it’s end, we – the Openmoko Community – did a poll [0] about which is the most popular hardware and which is the most popular software in our community. The poll was open for one week now and we got votes from 73 people.
I decided to close the poll now and release the results to the public. To create a ranking I gave 1 point to a “YES” vote and 0.5 points to a “(YES)” vote. The maximum (100%) is 73 points.
Software Side:
1. SHR 112.5 points (61%) 2. QtMoko 99.5 points (54%) 3. Debian 75.5 points (41%) 4. Other Distro 40.0 points (22%)
Hardware Side:
1. Om GTA02 158.5 points (86%) 2. Goldelico GTA04 71.0 points (38%) 3. Nokia N900 34.0 points (18%) 4. Other Device 26.0 points (14%) 5. Palm Pre (+variants) 14.5 points ( 8%) 6. Om GTA01 9.5 points ( 5%) 7. Google Nexus S 7.0 points ( 4%)
On the software side SHR is still the most popular distro, directly followed by QtMoko. Quiet a few people commented, that they intend to code their own software/GUI mostly to educated themselves.
On the hardware side the Om GTA02 is the clear winner (which was expected). Surprisingly the Goldelico GTA04 is the 2nd most interesting device in this community, even though very few people have one, yet. Still, most of the developers already own one and you should get yours soon [1], as it seems to become a common target of this community. The Palm Pre, Om GTA01 and Google Nexus S got very few points and thus are probably not worth to support…
Happy New Year
Now, i’d like to wish all you Open Hard- and Software-Enthusiasts out there a good start into the year 2012. I hope the GTA04 project will flourish in 2012 and will help our community to grow and free the phone again!
[0] http://www.doodle.com/sh6insnivnvqyz7h
[1] http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=GTA04 Group Tour